Showing posts with label World Youth Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Youth Day. Show all posts

Friday, September 9, 2011

Introduction of WYD/JMJ

so What is WYD and How does it start?

World Youth Day is a youth-oriented Catholic Church event. While the event itself celebrates the Catholic faith, the invitation to attend extends to all youth, regardless of religious convictions.World Youth Day is not associated with International Youth Day or any of the international observance days.
World Youth Day (or in short 'WYD') was initiated by Blessed Pope John Paul II in 1985. It is celebrated diocesan level annually, and at a week-long international level every two to three years at different locations. The international level events attract hundreds of thousands of youth from almost every country on the planet. It is a major part of the upsurge in Catholic Youth Work in some countries over recent years; for example, the Director of Catholic Youth Services for England and Wales has said of the event that it would have far-reaching effects, not restricted to those who attended.[2]
The Patron Saint of World Youth Days is Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Since his beatification, Pope John Paul II, who started the event, has become its co-patron.
What do World Youth Day Want to do?
1) Spread hope to the young:
World Youth Day brings together youth of the world's festivaltoday is a young man's self-confidence and strength to bring back a good way to church.

2) Assembly
World Youth Day World Youth is not just a simple assemblybut also a youth to the worldthe opportunity to spread the truthIt is a call to youth of the world to come togetherunitedas one people.

3) The name of humanity as a whole
Change and unite all people in the 21st century is still a miracle. International events butalso can bring more hope to bring more fear (such as fundamentalism, nationalism andother new escalation of the conflict). Churches and Christians that they can avoid certain extent, terrorist attacks, but also to guide each individual to find their own direction and hope.
What are the Diocesan of previous years?

Diocesan level celebrations (celebrated on Palm Sunday each year)
March 23, 1986Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you. (1 Pt 3:15)
March 27, 1988Do whatever he tells you. (Jn 2:5)
April 8, 1990I am the vine, you are the branches. (Jn 15:5)
April 12, 1992Go into all the world and preach the Gospel. (Mk 16:15)
March 27, 1994As the Father sent me, so am I sending you. (Jn 20: 21)
March 31, 1996Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. (Jn 6:68)
April 5, 1998The Holy Spirit will teach you all things. (cf. Jn 14:26 )
March 28, 1999The Father loves you. (cf. Jn 16:27)
April 8, 2001If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. (Lk 9:23)
April 13, 2003Behold, your mother! (Jn 19:27)
April 4, 2004We wish to see Jesus. (Jn 12:21)
April 9, 2006Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path. (Ps 119:105)
April 1, 2007Just as I have loved you; you also should love one another. (Jn 13:34)
April 5, 2009We have set our hope on the Living God. (1 Tim 4:10)[24]
March 28, 2010Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? (Mk 10:17)[24]
April 01, 2012Rejoice in the Lord Always (Philip 4:4)

Logo of World Youth Day 2011 Madrid.
JMJ is the short form of World Youth Day in Spanish!

Reference: Wikipedia
Official Site of World Youth Day

Sunday, July 31, 2011

WYD Madrid, Spain to bring list~~ (Update 2)

...There's lots of things to prepare for World Youth Day (WYD/JMJ)!...
I did not pack a thing yet : p
Let's see what should prepare...

Religious Items:
  1. Bible (Old & New Testament, Digital?)
  2. Spiritual Reading Books
  3. Rosary Beads
  4. Pilgrim's Handbook (Missal, songs...)
  1. Tissue Paper
  2. 2 Towels... (and 1 more in advanced for sweat!!)
  3. Toothpaste &Toothbrush
  4. Shampoo & Soap 
  5. (Pack in Bagge!! Since the liquid volume in the airport has restricted to 100ml)
  6. (European go there through inter-rail are off-limit)
  7. Comp
  8. Nail Clipper (Pack in Luggage- International Aviation Rules)
  9. Hm....Laundry paper...for washing cloths when I leave the Center or for places you live (hostels, schools, sports ground etc...) without laundry equipment such as HEAVY washing powder!!
  1. Casual Clothing for 8days (and 2days in advance) with WYD Polo Shirts &at least 1 Shirt in case needed
  2. Long Trousers (in case of formal meeting and Mass!-You need a Long Trouser for Church and Cathedral)!
  3. Sport Shoes!
  4. Tie and Jacket or Sweater (it will be cool on mountains and night)
  5. Sleeping Bag
Personal Items:
  1. ...local money (EUR)...about 350-580 or as needed about the Duration of your stay
    • For my situation: I'm going for 3 weeks
  2. Local Identification Card (i.e. Hong Kong Identity Card)
  3. Passport!!
    • Copy of Passport (incase of emergency)
    • Copy of Travel Insurance document
    • Medical Certificate (if any medicine allergies)
    • Simple Medicine
    • Water Bottle
    • Umbrella (incase of bad raining)
    • Sleeping bag...(There'll be days sleeping on floor)
    • Material for inflight entertainment
      • just for me... since I can't sleep on any matter long haul or short.
    • one or two more book(s) for reading leisurely
    • a Torch...
      • for me...iPhone could do that
    • Things... for exchange with other WYD participants
      • I won't exchange shirt.... it gonna be lots of sweat during that period in Spain...
      • maybe cross or other... need to be prepare
      • 3WYD shirt...include the diocese and Sui Wo one...
    •  Chopsticks or other equipment for eating...(personal)
      • Visa Document for places needed to register (i.e. China)
      • Chargers for your electronic device (mobile)
      • Pens
      • Camera (take photos with bishops and pope~)
      • Radio and Earphones to know the Live information at there!! - Thanks Thomas for your advice!
      • Converting Adaptor!! (For people not using the Europe type)!
      • Plastic Bags (for wet and dirty cloths which await for wash)
      • After all, remember to bring a Sun Glasses and Sun Screen for hot and shiny weather in Spain!;
        • and of cause... your heart and spirit which is prepared!!!
          any others things to bring... leave me a comment~~
          I'll update this after commentS

          Before this end, lets see what will be include in the WYD bag pack for participant!!!
          It is to tally free and lots of nice stuff in it!!

          P.s. If you need a Google+ invitation, just sent me an email to [email protected] and ask : )
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