Friday, June 28, 2013

FREE I'm ready for Hillary Bumper Sticker

if you like Hillary Clinton,
if you want her to be the next president of United States,
The first Ready for Hillary bumper stickers are here! 
And we want you to be one of the first to receive one. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

$6 for a $12 Value Regal Cinema Ticket on Groupon

Avoid the box office with convenient online redemption at more than 21,000 screens around the nation
  • Expires Nov 30, 2013
  • Limit 1/person. Online redemption only at or on Fandango mobile app. No cash back except as required by law. Subject to Fandango's terms and conditions & purchase policy.
  • See the rules that apply to all deals.
Get it HERE NOW save yourself 6 bucks :)

Half off for all Starbucks Handcrafted Refresher (Limited Time Offer)

3pm Wake up Call
Half-off for any handcraffed Starbucks Refresher Beverage
June 27-29 15:00 - 17:00 

Today is National HIV Testing Day, time to get test? Where?

Today is National HIV Testing Day.
So no more excuses, no more procrastinating,
no more "waiting for the right time."
Stop by your local #HIV testing center today, and if you can't find time for that,
stop by the 24 hour pharmacy and pick up an Oraquick at-home testing kit.
You need to know your status. So you can be healthy.
And the only way for you to find out, is to JUST DO IT.
 Don't know where to go? Click HERE for information and test locations :)
YOU should get tested every 3-6 months accordingly with your risk
Counselor usually can help you out and let you know
 There isn't a better time then Now.
Find the right place for you, Places like Gaycity in Seattle
provides anonymous test that even you are HIV+,
they will NOT and they won't be able to report
your name to the government Officials!
Now is the time to get tested :) Protects you and your partner.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DAILY JOCKS Monthly Underwear Club $2 OFFER

Click here for $2 membership :)

Underwear Club


DailyJocks is excited to announce the Monthly Underwear Club. Every month, we choose from a curated selection of underwear from international designer brands and send you a pair in your size and preferred style. The underwear is valued at up to $40 and includes free global shipping.
DailyJocks is excited to announce the Monthly Underwear Club. Every month, we choose from a curated selection of underwear from international designer brands and send you a pair in your size and preferred style. The underwear is valued at up to $40 and includes free global shipping. You choose your preferences (Trunk, Brief, Jockstrap) and your size (S-M-L-XL). Your top-drawer will never have so much variety. We have sexy brands lined up with some even creating exclusive collections that you won’t find anywhere else. It’s the best way to discover men’s underwear.

We'll never send you boring or cheap underwear. We've featured underwear from brands including 2(x)ist, C-in2, Baskit, GoSoftwear, PUMP, Oskar Franks, Obviously, Jac5, Ristefsky Macheda, Supawear and more being added every month. Underwear has a retail price of up to $40 and you receive Free Worldwide Shipping.

We’ll send you a pair of underwear every month shipped for free. We’ll never send you the same pair twice and we’ll ensure you have a selection of underwear. Along with Monthly Underwear, you also receive special offers and more. The Underwear is valued up to $40. 

Click here for $2 membership :)

DOMA has been struck down

the court has decided by 5-4 that
DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment.

Prop 8. sent back to the lower court on standing

Here is the link to the opinion:

Click here to see the senario
as DOMA Struck down and Prop 8 case dismissed on standing

the challenge to the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage: After the two same-sex couples filed their challenge to Proposition 8 in federal court in California, the California government officials who would normally have defended the law in court, declined to do so. So the proponents of Proposition 8 stepped in to defend the law, and the California Supreme Court (in response to a request by the lower court) ruled that they could do so under state law. But today the Supreme Court held that the proponents do not have the legal right to defend the law in court. As a result, it held, the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, the intermediate appellate court, has no legal force, and it sent the case back to that court with instructions for it to dismiss the case.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Google Gay?

Try searching any gay-themed things on Google and Google will spark a rainbow frame around the search box:) 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

$500 FREE Gas giveaway for WA

Do you want some free Gas for summer vacation?
King 5 News thought so too and 
they are giving out $500 gas card:)

Just CLICK this LINK and enter HERE 
for a chance to win $500 in Gas card

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Free I < 3 Equality Sticker and Movie WWZ Gifts

After chances of

Free Flights
Free Miles
Free Frequent Flyer card, what else?

Do you want an I < 3 Equality sticker, for FREE?

CLICK HERE! to register for a free sticker before it runs out :)

Like my Facebook page Here for updates and more Free stuff :)

What about World War Z?

so it's easy, Click HERE
Use your Facebook and leave a comment,
then you are automatically entitle a chance for lucky draw :)

Have Fun, Enjoy and Good Luck! and~~

Don't forget to Like our Facebook Page

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sweeptakes all over!!! FREE MILES NOW!

so Recently there are TWO sweepstakes that I saw that is organized by airlines,
Delta and KLM

KLM is doing Mr. Miles

Take off in search of Mr Miles
Every day, 407 instant wins allow you to win:
400 prizes of 500 Miles strictly reserved for
Flying Blue members and
7 prizes of 10,000 Miles.
One other instant win will allow you to register
for the draw to win 500,000 Miles and

Besides of KLM,

Delta is giving 1 million miles as a grand prize lucky draw.
and prizes of a quarter-million miles, for 14 weeks!

Go ahead like their app and you can enter after entering your infos.


Two Entries available through QF and AA, links below :)


We all know airlines are copy cats now I just wish they copy more and more on these great things and promotions instead of a harder and harder loyalty club program especially the new Delta policy on MQDs unless by then even Silver can easily get free upgrade

Join now and share the love!

Free Flight? Part 2

so NOTHING is for free, what next?

3) subscribe for latest airline newsletter, sometimes surprise can come up but all these are more passive, is there any aggressive ways to do so? Hmmm YES!

4) Book the busiest flight if you are flying anyway and earlier for yourself so you get a chance to BUMP!

Your time IS valuable and airline would like to buy it when the flight is overbooked! so be prepared, book yourself a flight earlier so you may have a chance of being a volunteer and possibly, easily get a 500 dollars voucher! I did it when I only pay for 150/250 for the flight the result is apparently....Great! lol

I always book a flight earlier on the way out and the closet flight to transfer back to my hometown or current city.

it always work, earn your flight money back NOW~

Monday, June 17, 2013

Free Flight? Part 1

People are always asking for free travels but for the matter of fact,
there is NOTHING Free...

Keep that in mind but there are things that airline think that are valuable that YOU actually have.

so you need some tips for cheaper travels? here you go

1) Meeting even code

Let start with a more side tracked ones, Airline always offer Meeting event code to events that have partnership with them to offer 5% to 15% off ticket depending on booking class!
if you are flying to big cities like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles,
this is for you! but it takes time to search it but often you can Google and find some.

2) Search, Search and Search...

One thing about searching engines, it's not always the cheapest ways!

it may be the easiest but it's NOT the easiest way to do it!
for example,
you can search serial airlines especially for international travels
after you search the cheapest airlines, do the search again on the lowest 3 airlines webpage so that you can find the real deal!
Airline like Delta always have a slightly better deal on their own webpage AND sometimes a better flight time or connections! Keep in mind and do that, sometimes, it can be very unexpected.

ofcoz the same time RyanAir or some budget airline aren't searchable in the searching engine as well

Thursday, June 13, 2013

what about 10 years later?

    When I was a young boy, I used to gaze through the microscope of my father at the insects in amber that he kept in the house. And they were remarkably well preserved, morphologically just phenomenal. And we used to imagine that someday, they would actually come to life and they would crawl out of the resin, and, if they could, they would fly away.  

If you had asked me 10 years ago whether or not we would ever be able to sequence the genome of extinct animals, I would have told you, it's unlikely. If you had asked whether or not we would actually be able to revive an extinct species, I would have said, pipe dream.
But I'm actually standing here today, amazingly,
to tell you that not only is the sequencing of extinct genomes a possibility, 
actually a modern-day reality, but the revival of an extinct species is actually within reach

are YOU ready to think out of the box?
are YOU ready to accept just Think about
things may happen in as little as 10 years?
10 years later, everything is going to be different and we all know that
it's only the matter of are we going to accept it now and look far...

Monday, June 10, 2013

Love, Miss or Struggle?

I have friends who are hundreds, thousands miles away that I miss that I tried to tell them every day.

I have friends who are less then 50 miles away and I think maybe I love but I am not dare to tell just because it is probably not gonna go anywhere, not gonna have anything. Not because I haven't tried though cause I promise I did and people who know me knows that I always tried till it's total dead end.

What's the deal after all really?

There are several kind of people.

First kind of people, they Lie....
and unfortunately, most of them lies......a lot.... that you can't even believes it.
Luckily most of all, usually it doesn't really matter at all till you actually trust them, then it goes ugly and horrible :p... you know that's how things goes most time.

Second Kind of people, they Disappear.
Sometimes they do it after they lie you know then they disappear... it just happens...
Either shame or embarrassment or basically just do Not want to face the problem at all.
They tell themselves all kind of different excuses...

1) I don't really care, it's not what I like
2) We have too less in common
3) I shouldn't be the one to talk first
4) I just don't want to deal with it
5) one it uses all the time to explain to their friends to make the whole thing legit
         ---> He is just crazy
         ---> It's just insane..... don't even know how to say it...
most of the time cause they know if they say it, their friends will know it's their fucking problems, not others.

6) Bunch of other excuses, never end

so after all, no matter what excuse you use, you have, you explained it,
if you just disappear, there's only one way to describe you honestly, irresponsible.
before you gone, no matter scream or whatever, say it, tell them what was the problem
if not it will just be a game or hate that never finishes.

Third kind of people? They cry.

Not literally crying I mean but usually this happens when the people who lie and disappear trying to get back to whoever they was with. They say I am Sorry, it's my fault...... thousands of legit excuses or the best out of it, they blame themselves first so you basically have no ways around it. The only thing to do at that point most time is just tell yourself, that's it, I am not taking more of this crap. Of cause sometimes the other person can be really shitty as well and that's why the other decide to fuck it and do all the crap.

so self-evaluating is really important as well
nothing goes one way, NO communications are one way, no matter you want to receives it or not, it's always two ways. No response, is totally a response and it's one of the lowest quality ones and sometimes they even qualify in the list of disappear.

The Fourth kind of people, they stay Quiet.

No matter what happens, they try to solve it themselves first all the time,
usually they will try to comfort themselves and try to explain it in his/her head,
and if it couldn't some speak up, some don't
but no matter which one they are, most of the time they loves the other person lot lot lot
to do this sacrifice. it's a hard thing to do, maybe you thought keeping silent is easy but it's not.
Think about if you see something horrible and you are not allowed to say anything about it?

It's one of the worse thing and the worst about this is that the person who keeping Quiet and Silent isn't hurting the person who are doing things wrong, it's him/herself is the one who suffer out of all these.

Some occasions are different ofcoz though you know, you decided to not say something just so you don't loss more out of the conversation and you still want to keep a friend but that situation are kinda rare even though people think they should keep Quiet often but that often the best decision and actually benefiting the whole event.

I ask myself a question most of the time when I make a decision,

Who is going to be Happy at the end of this,
if someone is going to be Happy, no matter yourself or others,
determine is it worth it to do so but if no one is going to be happy about it,
that's easy, just drop it and leave it.

Have a great week for now, it's Monday

Friday, June 7, 2013

Me and Facebook? I am tired, truly am...

so I decided to temporary deactivate my Facebook, so what now?

nothing much I suppose, I just feels like not really myself I suppose.
Someone actually thought that I probably going out too much or what-so-ever but in fact I am not doing anything and that maybe one of the reason that I felt bad? I am not even sure... but who can say for sure right? especially even I couldn't when I am the person who experiencing all these...

If you are here reading, I ensure you are one of my friend that give a fuck and care, I wonder how many people will even know that I have deactivate or basically not using my Facebook now.... I don't know I just decided not to Login till July 3rd.
If you going to ask me right or not? I am just going to ask you, who to judge?...

I am tired, truly am... What my life has left for me? I am existing I know but at the same time I don't... I know I love a lot of people, truly loves them, care about them, so what? does it matter? Human has this complex system, they just tend to not care about things that are there for them instead, they tend to go for something that they can't get. I suppose we all like achievements?

I ask myself, what I been doing? cause after all seems like what I only do is trying to make others happy or the majority of people at least.
I guess after all, what we all need, may be just as simple as a hug, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Some people asked me WHY I don't want Facebook for some times because I doubt actually anyone would care or even notice to be honest...
I rather be bored, doing nothing, rather then getting any attention on that place.... that place that everyone seems to care about you but they aren't really. the place that everyone seems to be there for you but ain't as well...

When I said "be friends", I guess I am nothing more but mean it, it's that easy, that's it and if you take it, I will simply love and care about you but if you ain't in the picture then just don't bother cause if you don't give a fuck, why should I?


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Love, no matter what - Andrew Solomon

"Even in purely non-religious terms,  

homosexuality represents a misuse of the sexual faculty.   

It is a pathetic little second-rate substitute for reality 

-- a pitiable flight from life. As such, it deserves no compassion,  

it deserves no treatment as minority martyrdom, 

and it deserves not to be deemed anything but a pernicious sickness."

That's from Time magazine in 1966, when I was three years old.  

And last year, the president of the United States came out in favor of gay marriage.

A family that perceives itself to be normal with a child who seems to be extraordinary.  

And I hatched the idea that there are really two kinds of identity. 



I decided to have children while I was working on this project. And many people were astonished and said, "But how can you decide to have children in the midst of studying everything that can go wrong?" And I said, "I'm not studying everything that can go wrong. What I'm studying is how much love there can be, even when everything appears to be going wrong." --- Andrew Solomon


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Better off having more choice? the Secret of Happiness

the number of choices had increased then 20, 15, 10 even 5 years ago,
but are they truly making our lives better and making you happier?

<iframe src="" width="560" height="282" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

the True ways to be Happy perhaps is to have lower expectations- Barry Schwartz

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Have you ever feel powerless?

is there anyone tell you that you are not supposed to do this and that?
When you really wanted to and truly wants to,
all it requires is you to think through it...

and she, Amy Cuddy is going to tell you How to do it:

Don't fake it till you make it, fake it till you becomes it.
Do it enough until you actually becomes it and internalize.
The last thing I am going to leave you with is this, Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes - Amy Cuddy