Showing posts with label Hong Kong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hong Kong. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


There're so many important things in life but are they really important or you are just been told it's important?

What do you think is important for you?
Is it religious things like Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage?
or Study like good High School, College, University?
What are really important for you?

It had been so much fun for me from June this year.
Friends visiting, staying in different hotels, crashing at friends couch, bed.
I can almost do Hotel reviews lol

too many visiting... Let's see how many I can list for now.
From visiting to work to both.
James, Steve, Jeff, Dean, Daniel, Dan, Michael, Mason, Pablo, lot lot more....
for me myself not living in the city, it's actually so much fun in Hong Kong to be a tourist... as I say all the time Hong Kong is awesome but for me.... It's not really awesome for living but it's really cool for travel and visit.

For me nothing much is ever important, life is short.
Albert Einstein said. I never worry about the future, it comes soon enough.
so why would you?
Love is so much easier... When you love it, you want it you go for it. Many friends of mine know it I have a theory no matter you agree it or not, that's why sometimes I really go for something. When I do it I meant it, I don't mind to wait for hours, as long as the result comes.
""I hate that when I can do something but I didn't and regret afterwards"", the regret is just too much for me to take. If you did it and fail, at least you have tried but if not it's such a waste of yourself, of your own chance

so when you think you should do it, stop thinking and go for it. Hmm something get me regret, funny story: so one day in the morning after a hook up, me and the mate want to get a cab but they seems all full, I was thinking maybe I should tell him: Hey give me a kiss and the miracle will happen... I should really said it coz the taxi just appear 5 seconds later, if I have said, it's gonna really like a miracle :p......
I know I know things don't come as you want like this all the time but what can I say man, maybe I am just a luck man....xD

so whatever you want to do, go for it and don't regret for it, you have the responsiblity, take it or leave it....
Regret for you have done but not you haven't~
you know I love and care you

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Complete of soul or empty?

In the seven days God creation, God get a rib from man and made woman,
and said all the man and woman are finding the other half of them which has lost.
When u found it, life will change and become complete.

if we break apart from the compete, you will be go on alone by your own,
your soul will be empty or get crush.
The feelings of empty and crush have surrounded me by all the movies recently...
and also some of the things happened recently.

like the movie from the lucky special meet up by the characters,

then they broke up with each others.. makes them wanna die from the lonely... 

and seems lonely will dry up life and makes everyday without colours like a black & white movie.
They stop to have feelings about what's happen besides them, 

sitting in a castle looking the changes from the windows, 

months and months go on but their heart never change,

 they can't feel the joy, the happiness and sadness... or even the temperature outside...
How much love u need to offer to make your soul feel empty when u broke up?
How much miss u need then you will feel your soul being tear apart?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What start the day??.... Hmm English lesson...
It's more serious here... no "Play" reading...
Listening practice... Grammar much much more

Got Hagen-Daze ice cream sandwich after Lunch.....
Thanks Shyle 

Then... Math... It's more complicated here...

We use Graph too!!! but not as much as you guys!!
we usually just got two chapter which need to use Graph to solve the question...
got 12 chapter a year!!

Go back with Felix again....
Hmm... how's your brother?? Do miss him....~~

What for tomorrow?? a special school 10th Anniversary Mass
Gonna have reading one...
will upload some photos later... see you guys!!
btw... Justin Massif.... you are a fucking liar!!! send this message to him!!
I hate people lie!!!!!!!!!!!

btw... Korean??...I know you couldn't use Facebook, if you want to leave comment,
you might press "Contact me" to go on my "twitter" page or send e-mail to me.
I will post it up to here. or you might see a (x) comment at the bottom of every blog entry.
Press that and type your comment there.
You might use Anonymous...and leave your name on the comment! Thanks

If you Like my blog, please press "Like" at the side bar of my blog!!! 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hong Kong....10/05/2011

The first day in Hong Kong... just like the first day at Sydney...
Sleep Sleep and Sleep... Not because of Jet Lag, just because I couldn't sleep on Flight.
Holiday for me: Buddha's Birthday

so Today is my first day at Home...
Hmm.... woke up at 9.... is 11 at Sydney...
Yum Cha... for Lunch...

Wanna eat??...It's Yum.

Then... drop off my sister at station...
Pick up my second cousin and my nephew....
also my auntie... what for??..
Play Wii together...It's a fun day....

The day not yet finish...

Will update for you later... see you guys!!