Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Complete of soul or empty?

In the seven days God creation, God get a rib from man and made woman,
and said all the man and woman are finding the other half of them which has lost.
When u found it, life will change and become complete.

if we break apart from the compete, you will be go on alone by your own,
your soul will be empty or get crush.
The feelings of empty and crush have surrounded me by all the movies recently...
and also some of the things happened recently.

like the movie from the lucky special meet up by the characters,

then they broke up with each others.. makes them wanna die from the lonely... 

and seems lonely will dry up life and makes everyday without colours like a black & white movie.
They stop to have feelings about what's happen besides them, 

sitting in a castle looking the changes from the windows, 

months and months go on but their heart never change,

 they can't feel the joy, the happiness and sadness... or even the temperature outside...
How much love u need to offer to make your soul feel empty when u broke up?
How much miss u need then you will feel your soul being tear apart?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Death Penalty??

Is it just and right to give Death Penalty
 (/Capital Punishment/Execution)?

Death Penalty is one of the oldest punishment in the world which means the executioner end a life of a criminal base on the right which given by the law. Most of the time the criminal have commit an serious crime. Although the term "serious crime" always being argue but in the country which still applying Death Penalty, in general murder with intention is one of the main reason of giving this punishment.

Nowadays, there're still 58 countries which included United State, Japan, Singapore, China, Taiwan, some of the Islam country. These countries still keep and continue executed people. 95 countries had already abandoned this kind of law. The rest of the country did not use it for more then 10 years; or just permit to give execution in war. All the members in the European Union have prohibited the use of Death Penalty according to the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, Article 2.
People who support Death Penalty says it can reduce the number of crime and it is a good tools for police and judge, also it can make sure that the criminal can not commit any crime again which can protect and increase the security of the society.

Opponents claim the death penalty has not resiliency, if false positives, can not be relief; and death is also discriminationagainst minorities and the poor. Opponents argue that capital punishment does not deter crime more than life imprisonment, but to encourage a "violent culture", to pay more expensive than the cost oflife imprisonment and it  also violated human rights.

The intention of using Death Penalty

1)Principle of Fairness: People who consume a great lost and cost because of the action of the criminal and therefore the need to pay with there most precious asset, Life.

2)Prevention of Recidivism: The Criminal had and may have a sustained or significant risk of injury, so the community permanently excluded this risk factor id considered the best interests of the community.

3)Appear to prevent imitators: the Criminal had and may result possibility of sustained or significant damage, so use of Death Penalty can deter imitators to follow

so is it logical to use Death Penalty ?? Leave your comment on here Facebook or send me an email to let me know how do you think about it