Showing posts with label homosexuality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homosexuality. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DOMA has been struck down

the court has decided by 5-4 that
DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment.

Prop 8. sent back to the lower court on standing

Here is the link to the opinion:

Click here to see the senario
as DOMA Struck down and Prop 8 case dismissed on standing

the challenge to the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage: After the two same-sex couples filed their challenge to Proposition 8 in federal court in California, the California government officials who would normally have defended the law in court, declined to do so. So the proponents of Proposition 8 stepped in to defend the law, and the California Supreme Court (in response to a request by the lower court) ruled that they could do so under state law. But today the Supreme Court held that the proponents do not have the legal right to defend the law in court. As a result, it held, the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, the intermediate appellate court, has no legal force, and it sent the case back to that court with instructions for it to dismiss the case.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Love, no matter what - Andrew Solomon

"Even in purely non-religious terms,  

homosexuality represents a misuse of the sexual faculty.   

It is a pathetic little second-rate substitute for reality 

-- a pitiable flight from life. As such, it deserves no compassion,  

it deserves no treatment as minority martyrdom, 

and it deserves not to be deemed anything but a pernicious sickness."

That's from Time magazine in 1966, when I was three years old.  

And last year, the president of the United States came out in favor of gay marriage.

A family that perceives itself to be normal with a child who seems to be extraordinary.  

And I hatched the idea that there are really two kinds of identity. 



I decided to have children while I was working on this project. And many people were astonished and said, "But how can you decide to have children in the midst of studying everything that can go wrong?" And I said, "I'm not studying everything that can go wrong. What I'm studying is how much love there can be, even when everything appears to be going wrong." --- Andrew Solomon