Showing posts with label reasons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reasons. Show all posts

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Relationships: When what you see isn't what you get

some people think that you aren't compatible to be with because you can't have a good conversation between or the conversations doesn't flow between you two but what they don't know is the fact that they have taken your breath away, they have spin your mind at first and that you just could not have said anything or did not know what to say at ALL and only thing u can do is 'silly' laughing... until you finally make up your mind and start getting back on track.

One thing I do believe is that I think people met for a reason, it's either a blessing or a lesson or both. Are you one of the positives or one of the experiences? It has nothing to deal with did thing worked out between two of you or not, it does not matter even, after all, it wasn't a match between, it can still be a blessing because I believe loves never dies and live within, it transforms maybe, or like energy, it is merely there. Be happy for the right experiences, it is truly remarkable how we do not see what we have and learn something from the bad experiences. I believe all things are good though you can make it better. It is always helpful to put your smiles on if you want someone to smiles or you want to be happy yourself because your emotions do spread, it is like a virus, and it has to be a good virus if that's what it is :)

When you meet someone more serious, then you do in life and relationship, and when they are actually telling you and acting and being more then you do, you probably get scared at first but slow down your mind a little, isn't that what you wanted all these time after all?

People often have different approaches to things, and is it good or bad that people have differences? Is that a bad thing if someone changes for another person? Is it considered too big of a sacrifice if someone wants to change at the very beginning of getting to know someone?

Most people wanted to have full control of their life, but apparently we don't but we always wanted to hold on to that little control we have in this world at least, and we do not want to leave any of the little freedom we have at all as well, and that is why people don't like to be in a committed relationship. Because when we do get into a relationship, you have to share that little control you have in your life, you have to even share a part of the little freedom that you have, and that's what makes it scary, and people often wanted to be casual because we always wanted to be in full control.

For me, I think that if someone is changing for you or even only having thought of that, they only did that because they believe it's worthwhile. The only did that because they think you worth your time to do so, and is that a good or bad thing if this is happening at the very beginning of a relationship? Not talking about serious relationships of any kind but only as of date or as part of knowing each other, is that good or bad? If I really have to answer that, I can only say I will be way more interested in a person who can take a leap of faith, a person who can trust and a person who loves rather then only the physical interaction you can have. I am not saying they aren't essential or delightful, but that's what truly makes a relationship beautiful and lasts long.

Don't be scared of people who share a lot to you because it is those who don't share, you should be aware and worry of. I am a very patient person, and I give a lot of second chances because I think it is imperative to forgive and to give chances for change, chances to know, chances to understand each other and you need to spend time on one thing before you can know does the person really worthwhile.

Don't ask why NOT?

My friend Francis once said: "when you're gay and find a man who's faithful to you, but that shit on lock, because faithful gay men are a dying species." I am trying to hold on the faithful endangered species that I found, but not lock :p lol though, are you holding on to your chances?