Showing posts with label future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future. Show all posts

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bites of Philosophy - No time to stall.

There is only so much time in one life.

We all had regrets in our past and probably more to come in our future.
There are always going to have things that we know we should not have done and
sure there are always things we do not know we should not do but did and then got into trouble but.....

after all, there is only one life to be had, and therefore my mind seems left to focus on "no time to stall."
you only live once, and sometimes we do everything twice just to not miss out.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


There're so many important things in life but are they really important or you are just been told it's important?

What do you think is important for you?
Is it religious things like Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage?
or Study like good High School, College, University?
What are really important for you?

It had been so much fun for me from June this year.
Friends visiting, staying in different hotels, crashing at friends couch, bed.
I can almost do Hotel reviews lol

too many visiting... Let's see how many I can list for now.
From visiting to work to both.
James, Steve, Jeff, Dean, Daniel, Dan, Michael, Mason, Pablo, lot lot more....
for me myself not living in the city, it's actually so much fun in Hong Kong to be a tourist... as I say all the time Hong Kong is awesome but for me.... It's not really awesome for living but it's really cool for travel and visit.

For me nothing much is ever important, life is short.
Albert Einstein said. I never worry about the future, it comes soon enough.
so why would you?
Love is so much easier... When you love it, you want it you go for it. Many friends of mine know it I have a theory no matter you agree it or not, that's why sometimes I really go for something. When I do it I meant it, I don't mind to wait for hours, as long as the result comes.
""I hate that when I can do something but I didn't and regret afterwards"", the regret is just too much for me to take. If you did it and fail, at least you have tried but if not it's such a waste of yourself, of your own chance

so when you think you should do it, stop thinking and go for it. Hmm something get me regret, funny story: so one day in the morning after a hook up, me and the mate want to get a cab but they seems all full, I was thinking maybe I should tell him: Hey give me a kiss and the miracle will happen... I should really said it coz the taxi just appear 5 seconds later, if I have said, it's gonna really like a miracle :p......
I know I know things don't come as you want like this all the time but what can I say man, maybe I am just a luck man....xD

so whatever you want to do, go for it and don't regret for it, you have the responsiblity, take it or leave it....
Regret for you have done but not you haven't~
you know I love and care you