Showing posts with label complete. Show all posts
Showing posts with label complete. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2013

Me and Facebook? I am tired, truly am...

so I decided to temporary deactivate my Facebook, so what now?

nothing much I suppose, I just feels like not really myself I suppose.
Someone actually thought that I probably going out too much or what-so-ever but in fact I am not doing anything and that maybe one of the reason that I felt bad? I am not even sure... but who can say for sure right? especially even I couldn't when I am the person who experiencing all these...

If you are here reading, I ensure you are one of my friend that give a fuck and care, I wonder how many people will even know that I have deactivate or basically not using my Facebook now.... I don't know I just decided not to Login till July 3rd.
If you going to ask me right or not? I am just going to ask you, who to judge?...

I am tired, truly am... What my life has left for me? I am existing I know but at the same time I don't... I know I love a lot of people, truly loves them, care about them, so what? does it matter? Human has this complex system, they just tend to not care about things that are there for them instead, they tend to go for something that they can't get. I suppose we all like achievements?

I ask myself, what I been doing? cause after all seems like what I only do is trying to make others happy or the majority of people at least.
I guess after all, what we all need, may be just as simple as a hug, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Some people asked me WHY I don't want Facebook for some times because I doubt actually anyone would care or even notice to be honest...
I rather be bored, doing nothing, rather then getting any attention on that place.... that place that everyone seems to care about you but they aren't really. the place that everyone seems to be there for you but ain't as well...

When I said "be friends", I guess I am nothing more but mean it, it's that easy, that's it and if you take it, I will simply love and care about you but if you ain't in the picture then just don't bother cause if you don't give a fuck, why should I?


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Complete of soul or empty?

In the seven days God creation, God get a rib from man and made woman,
and said all the man and woman are finding the other half of them which has lost.
When u found it, life will change and become complete.

if we break apart from the compete, you will be go on alone by your own,
your soul will be empty or get crush.
The feelings of empty and crush have surrounded me by all the movies recently...
and also some of the things happened recently.

like the movie from the lucky special meet up by the characters,

then they broke up with each others.. makes them wanna die from the lonely... 

and seems lonely will dry up life and makes everyday without colours like a black & white movie.
They stop to have feelings about what's happen besides them, 

sitting in a castle looking the changes from the windows, 

months and months go on but their heart never change,

 they can't feel the joy, the happiness and sadness... or even the temperature outside...
How much love u need to offer to make your soul feel empty when u broke up?
How much miss u need then you will feel your soul being tear apart?