Tuesday, February 7, 2023

How to file EC 261 Claim for delay, cancellation, denied boarding etc?

To file a claim under EC 261/2004, you can follow these steps:

  1. Gather information: Before you file a claim, gather as much information as possible about your flight, including your ticket, boarding pass, and any receipts for expenses you incurred as a result of the flight disruption.

  2. Contact the airline: Contact the airline either by phone or email to let them know that you're planning to file a claim under EC 261/2004. You can also use their online complaint form if they have one. Provide them with all the relevant information and make a request for compensation.

  3. Wait for a response: The airline is obliged to respond to your claim within a reasonable period of time, typically within two months. They will either accept your claim and offer you compensation, or they will reject your claim and provide you with the reasons for their decision.

  4. Consider alternative dispute resolution: If the airline rejects your claim or fails to respond, you can consider alternative dispute resolution options, such as mediation or arbitration. Many airlines have internal dispute resolution procedures that you can follow.

  5. It's important to keep in mind that airlines may dispute claims made under EC 261/2004, especially if they believe the flight disruption was caused by extraordinary circumstances. In these cases, it may be helpful to seek legal advice or to use alternative dispute resolution methods to resolve the dispute.
In conclusion, filing a claim under EC 261/2004 requires some effort and persistence on the part of the passenger. However, it can be worth it, as the regulation provides for significant compensation in case of flight disruptions.

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